What's Your Vibration?

What would you say if I told you to act like February is December (the end of the year), and March is January (the new year)? What if the timing of celebrations is a ploy to have you functioning on a low vibration to distract you from efforts to prepare and align you with the ability to manifest the plans, resolutions, changes and other things you seek in a new year. 

Low vibration (energy) comes from trauma, fear, stress, people around you, and negativity, to name a few.  Generally, in November and December, we are distracted by events, holidays, overeating, overdrinking, spending, trying to please others with gifts and stressing. Then in January, we tend to jump out, ready to go and start acting on plans we've made when everything else around us is still in rest and restoration mode. By March, many have fallen off the wagon or even disregarded resolutions or plans for change.

High vibration comes from things like love, gratitude, positivity, change, rest, discipline and truth. As March approaches, we begin to see the signs of awakening around us.  The first fruits of the season, the flowers blooming, the animals come back out, the days extend and the weather shifts. I'm sure you even notice a little extra pep in your step....naturally.  This is the new season for your resolutions and plans to truly manifest in alignment with the universe and God. It's a good time to reset yourself and work on your vibration.  Here are 5 ways to raise that vibration:

  1. Stop, get off the rollercoaster of life for a moment, breathe and take a moment to research, learn a new way and readjust. It's a process. 
  2. Revisit your resolutions, plans for change, etc. Consider preparing to restart, readjust or begin anew.    
  3. Turn off the noise around you.  Limit the intake of negativity around world events, racism, violence, and negative social media activity related to gossip, discord, trauma, etc. These activities lower your vibration and distract you from preparing for a time of reawakening.  
  4. Go on a date with your soul. Your soul is that part of you that carries your mind, character, thoughts and feelings. When was the last time you checked it? Is it good, or is there work to be done? Let go of anger, frustration and stress. Sit with yourself and work on it. You can start slow, 5, 10 or 20 minutes. Just start. 
  5. Practice forgiveness and gratitude. Be intentional by writing it down and taking action, which leads to raising your vibration.   
Peace and Blessings! 💕😊


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