Reclaim Your Crown

We need to have a "family meeting" in honor of Black History Month.  In the wake of recent and ongoing events involving the whitewashing of Black history, brutality, racism, discrimination, harassment, and microaggressions toward black and brown folks, some of which happens among us, let's do a self-check.✅  

Our trauma has become so engrained and normalized within us and in society that we don't acknowledge the pain, grief, anger, frustration, depression, and emotional issues that result.  This trauma passed down over generations in beliefs, behaviors, health conditions and emotional issues can become debilitating, and no one understands that more than us. It takes its toll mentally, physically and emotionally and plays out in so many divisive ways amongst us and around us.😢

After all of this, we find ourselves here today, still trying to evolve, overcome, maintain and grow in a society that often does not embrace our existence unless it's by their standards. How do we not break? Well, I say to you, it's because we are more POWERFUL than we think and believe.😉You must know we were built to endure, rise, and overcome no matter the circumstance.  Our existence today is a testament to this, and yet we still have not reached our full potential individually and collectively.  We have work to do, so here are 5 areas where we can make adjustments for the betterment of us all...  

  1. Spirituality - As divinely spiritual people, here is the source of your strength. Your very existence is not an accident, and I encourage you to tap into your connection with God. Stop thinking your success is your own, thinking going to church is enough, speaking but not walking in God's word, and valuing the pastor, money, clothes and everything else more than God. Start treating others better, giving thanks for your gifts, talents and treasures on this earth because they are God's gifts to you. Pray more, meditate more and learn to walk in your faith more consistently.
  2. Family - Although the traditional structure may look different today, one still needs the support, comfort, enlightenment and accountability that come from being surrounded by family.  Stop making random and selfish decisions about bringing new life into this world, holding grudges, and passing along generational beliefs and habits that are to the detriment of someone's well-being. Start or continue establishing norms like dedicated family time, meetings to discuss family matters, dinners, playing games together, telling stories, cooking, and other activities that build familial bonds.  
  3. Grounding. Be grounded in who and what you are.  Stop letting others (media, random people online, people not in your circle, etc.) tell you who you are and basing your existence on what they say and think about you. Start developing your own sense of self and worth grounded in positive thinking.  #1 and #2 can support this. 
  4. Education - This is not only about the lessons in school but the lessons of life. Stop believing everything you hear, especially online. Stop watching trauma-filled videos, debating with folks to get their approval, and functioning in systems that no longer serve you. Start researching topics, sharing solutions to issues, read more books, and educate yourself about yourself.
  5. Community - We are tribal by nature however, that spirit was broken in us, and we carry and act out that trauma today. Societal norms reinforce division among us, but we must stop being part of that narrative.  Stop falling into the trap of judging and disassociating from the very thing you are, and stop the black woman vs. black man narrative and other painful behaviors.  Start being more understanding and supportive. Learn how to share different opinions and views in a healthy way. Most of all, start treating each other better because we are all we got.Side Note: Black Americans have a spending power of $1.6 trillion dollars. Support Black-owned businesses. 


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