Last I checked no perfect person is walking this earth. When people make mistakes, I think it’s good to look at their initial intentions. There’s always room to grow and learn from mistakes. And yes, there are consequences too… Here are 5 things to consider when you speak about someone else’s situation:


  1. It’s important to do your own thinking and gather factual information and not just jump on the bandwagon of judgment.


  1. Know that misunderstandings, mistakes and disagreements can be learning experiences.


  1. If we’re going to banish people when they do wrong, then we should banish all people and not a select few. Let's have consistent standards for accountability otherwise that makes us hypocrites.


  1.  The truth hurts, whether you agree with it or not, truth stands on its own.


  1. At the end of the day, God knows the hearts and minds of all His people, and He will be the ultimate judge, not you, not me or anyone else. Being hateful does not cure hate and it certainly doesn’t bring understanding. 


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