Living Your Dreams

As I get older, I think about all the things I still want for my life... I want to be financially free and pay off my debt, I want to have a flexible schedule to spend time with my son, I want to start a college fund and build some residual income so I can travel and do all the things most people like to do in life.  Quite frankly, I just want to not worry about an emergency comeing up.  I'd like to sleep in sometimes, but I know I have to go to work so I thought of starting a business.  If I were my own boss, at least I'd have plenty of notice if I were going to be fired or laid off. (Lol)  I'm sure there are many things you still want to do in life and I'm here to tell you it's possible, if you're not willing to settle.  God say's we are fearfully and wonderfully made so we need to make the most out of each day we have breath. 

There are three principles for living your dreams that I want to share which gave me instant results.  Following them daily can be a challenge but the natural joy of working toward your dream is the best payment.  The first principle is goal setting. A goal or objective is a desired result a person envisions, plans and commits to achieve—a personal or organizational desired end-point in some sort of assumed development. A goal should have deadlines as well.  It could be a daily, weekly or monthly goal.  One of my first goals was to stop talking and start putting my words to action.  I had to stop settling for what life was handing me and start making a path to what I want my life to be.

The second principle is surround yourself with people who have already been where you're trying to go.  The first person on your list better be God.  Get to know people who do what you want to do, study what you want to do and be willing to fail.  Also know there will be naysayers, some of which may be the people who are closest to you.  Ray Kroc didn't start McDonald's until he was 50 years old.  I'm sure he got an ear full.   You've got to fly with eagles and surround yourself with supporters who will critique, counsel you and uplift you.  You've got to be moldable.

Last but not least, the final principle is get out of your own way.  Don't be limited to your what you can conceive, you've got to stand on God's principles.   John 14:12 says "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.  Live your dreams.  Don't be afraid to dream big, its your destiny.


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