Our Own Worst Enemy

Recently XXL published a video by Too Short entitled Crazy Talk: Too Short's Sex Advice to Boys. I was going to make a statement about this but as I began to write I realized I needed to make this more of a commentary on the ridiculous individuals that prey on the well being of young people and the establishments, like the media, that perpetuate these philosphies that lead to the very things we should protect our children against and require boundaries between what is newsworthy and what is something that should require someone to be referred for counseling at the least. 

In an era where some are attempting to confuse children about their sexuality the moment they are out of womb by lifestyles, media images, and attempts to begin to push an agenda even in our educational systems it seems we have become afraid to establish moral standards which alot of us used as a guide in determining what you should and should not do.  Now everything and everyone is fair game.  In particular in our culture there is a propensity for sexual immorality especially for young girls who feel they want to aspire to be stippers and hoes - yes I said, it to get attention.  This has become what young girls want to be like and we wonder why children are making babies like factories, sexual predators are rampant and quite frankly society creates an environment in which at times they can thrive and sexual abuse which to me this article represents is published like a how to for young boys.  Is this what we want to teach young impressionable boys about girls?  Is this the new sex ed?

In a society where we continue to struggle economically, where we still have to so many hurdles to overcome how is it that these are the messages we want to send to young people.  At what point do we hold folks accountable for the images we show our children.  Free speach you say? Okay well we should freely tell XXL how inappropriate this was.  And aside from the sexy themes of XXL they should have some standards and draw some lines in the sand.  How are we preparing young people to survive in the future?  Are we teaching responsibility, education, hard work, respect of self and your elders? Yet we wonder why we can't quite get over the hump?  So when we point the finger, lets be sure to point it at ourselves for the things we allow our children to be exposed to.  Predators in the making if we don't change the moral fiber within we all exist these days.


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