Don't Judge - You Might Miss Out!

Have you ever had someone say, "I thought you were this..." or "I thought because you had x..., you might act like y"?  And then once they get to know you, they say, " you're nothing like I thought." It seems funny that I've heard this several times in the past week and it made me think about how many people I may have encountered who judged me without knowing me.  It didn't bother me, but it made me wonder how many of us go through life and miss out on a great friend, mentor or even lover because we looked at the exterior and not the interior of the person. 

God sends angels and blessings in many forms.  Sometimes its the homeless person who you give money to when you're having a bad day and their smile warms your soul so much so your troubles are erased.  Or maybe its the person you stopped to talk to who made you late for work, but if you hadn't been stopped you may have been in line for an accident.  How about if its that person you run across all the time and assume they may be unapproachable, or think they're too cute to interact with.  What if God sent them your way to give you a kind word, to be a friend, to be a lover or to simply be a positive influence for a reason, a season or a lifetime.   Passing judgement takes alot of time and energy and while you may think it says something about that person its directed toward, it really says more about the person doing the judging. 

As the saying goes, "don't judge a book by its cover". And don't miss out on what might be what you need to get you to another place, space or realm in life - Don't Miss Out!


  1. I agree with you on all points. I know that there have been times where I have been told you are not like I thought you were, I never see you smile,that for me was a bit of information I used. Sometimes the judgement could also be an answer to a question you needed answered.

  2. Thanks Alecia. That is so true and I've answered some questions and learned alot about myself along the way.


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