Identify Yourself

Many say finding oneself is a lifetime journey.  When I use the term "finding oneself", I mean outside of the roles you play as a parent, child, sibling or whatever your profession may be.  I'm referring to your inner being without the external influences which sometimes alter you momentarily or for a lifetime. 

We think, and often women, are conditioned to believe it's selfish to focus too much on themselves.  Alot of times you identify yourself by who you are to someone else, but don't be fooled because as soon as you no longer need to play those roles, you're left with, guess  Often you can find yourself in places (situations) you don't need to be in and/or with people you shouldn't be with because your identity is based on something that will change in the course of life.  But the core of you doesn't.  It may grow and evolve but the core of who you are generally remains the same.

When you focus on the core of your being and the constants that bring your being into balance, you will find the peaks and valleys of life are a little less troublesome.  They may be hard to navigate, take a long time and still frustrate you, but being balanced gives you the clarity to overcome. And valleys are where you build yourself and find that balance. You will also learn that the people and/or things that take you off center must continuously be evaluated and removed or altered or shaped to keep you centered, grounded and in line with yourself.  Having a sense of that "inner you" is what gets you through the valleys but if you don't know what makes up that part of you its difficult to make it back to the peaks.  The real accomplishment is not the peak, but the things you learn in your struggle through a valley.

So I leave you with this..."A self that is not balanced is person who won't be ready to dig out of their next valley".


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